Thursday, November 30, 2006

A theology lesson from Superman

OK. So I've decided to start using this more as a true blog rather than just a comment board for the articles on the Ten Minas website ( Only time will tell how often I actually will be able to post new thoughts.

A couple of nights ago, my wife and I had just watched the new Superman movie (which, by the way, either intentionally or unintentionally is filled with Christian imagery). Afterwards, we decided to show a few scenes to our four year old daughter. She certainly couldn't watch the whole thing (some parts would just be too scary for her), but she gets a kick out of some of the more tame scenes with Superman on the screen.

In one scene Lois Lane is getting upset with Superman for leaving for five years without even saying goodbye (the whole premise of the movie is what happens after he gets back). Lois says to Superman that "the world doesn't need a savior", or something to that effect.

Well, when my little four year old heard this, she looked squarely at Lois Lane and replied, "What about Jesus?" I love these moments. When my little girl hears about the world's need for a savior, she immediately thinks of the true savior of the world. Sometimes we can all learn something from our innocent children about where our focus should be.

By the way, Superman replied to Lois, "You say the world doesn't need a savior, but every day I hear people crying for one." There's a lesson to be learned here. The world may think it doesn't need a savior, but in reality countless people are crying out to the Lord every day, seeking to fill a void in their life that nothing else has been able to fill. We may not consciously admit our need for a savior, but we'll never be fulfilled without one.

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